Pagnoni Srl Industrial gaskets in plastic materials


specialized in the production of industrial PTFE gaskets

Pagnoni Srl comes from the experience of its partners specialized in fluoropolymers production of industrial PTFE gaskets. It also produces special industrial gaskets for ball valves, Thread SealingConical Thread Sealing, Washer, B-up rings and o-ring design.

About 20 years in the PTFE sector guarantee the ability to create and develop products also in other technical materials. Direct collaboration with the customer allows us to offer a greater range of products and innovative technical solutions.

In addition, the strong desire to maintain high quality standards, production management, research and customer service, make today a landmark both nationally and internationally.

 External of the company Pagnoni srl specialized in the production of industrial seals in PTFE

Pagnoni Srl

Via Biancana, 4 – 25030
Paratico (Brescia) Italia


+39 035 0590039



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